The first harvest of Pinot Grigio DOC has come to a close, noted for “healthy, high quality grapes” and a 20% increase in yields.
“It is our first exclusively DOC Pinot grigio harvest which we are celebrating with very good overall quality and a management of the production potential by the Consortium which will help us win trust and serenity in the markets”, said the President of the Consorzio DOC delle Venezie, Albino Armani.
Some sub-regions saw yields rise by as much as 30%, which DOC’s administrative body said is in line with trends across Europe.
Over 130 million bottles of Pinot Grigio now have DOC status with the production zone now expecting “zero stock” before the end of December 2018.
“The Pinot Grigio has given the best of itself this year,” Armani said, “managing to combine colour, acidity and PH at maximum levels with generous quantities on the vine which allows us to best approach the second year of sales of this young denomination.
“We were able to make use of a series of tools – management of the potential foreseen by procedures, control systems and the activation of measures such as storage – which offer the conditions to both the Industry and the Consortium for the coherent management of the volume of the product obtained from the newly finished grape harvest in order to guarantee a climate of ‘commercial serenity’, avoiding the risks of marked fluctuation of prices for the improvement and stabilisation of market dynamics.”